Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A little fangirling never hurt anyone

"Don'tcha know that we'se a family? Would I let you down? No way."

It's been many many moons since I've spent any facetime with Tag, aka Becky B. I must say, we were egregiously long overdue for a girls' night, ESPECIALLY since she lives right in my neck of the woods. How the flipping flip I haven't taken advantage of that is beyond my understanding.

As Tag so appropriately pointed out, we have dazzling teeth going on here.

And so, we met up at the mall, nommed on Chick-fil-A, perused the moichendise at Forever 21 (which has apparently gotten all swank and now calls itself XXI Forever?), grabbed a sinful cup of Cold Stone, and sat in the car, listening to the Newsies stage cast recording, fangirling like whoa (as well as learning that "it's bedtime at the zoo"), and just being overall pleased as punch that the big trip to NYC is happening in May.

May is too far away, though, for serious. Even so, nuggets of funtimes such as these are bound to tide me over until then.

All in all, 'twas a perfect way to beat the Tuesdays, let me tell you.


  1. Can't even BEGIN to tell you how jealous I am that I am too far away to partake in your awesomeness! BUT OMG MAY!
