Saturday, February 11, 2012

Got my hurr did

Today, as I do with at least one or two of my Saturdays a month, I logged some volunteer hours at the Smith Family Farm at the Atlanta History Center. This is one of my favorite things to do for several reasons:

1. Giving tours as a docent is a great way to get my history fix.
2. The environment and the people that work there are so fantastic and laid back.
3. I get to wear 1860s-era attire.

Let's be honest here: I love playing dress-up. There's an awesome calico dress I borrow that makes me feel like one of the March sisters and an apron that hearkens back to my Belle days. In order to look the part, I usually have to twist my hair back into a period-appropriate up-do. This is all well and good, except I don't have the rear-end-length tresses that nineteenth-century ladies (we're talking more barely-brushing-shoulders-length, at best). This provides just enough length to get the sides to twist, but you don't get that awesome Louisa May Alcott bun gathered in the back.


The photo doesn't quite do it justice, but the house manager unearthed a wonderful Cinnabon of synthetic hair all wound up in a beautiful braided bun. We pinned it to the back of my scant twist of hair, and voila - instant Scarlett O'Hara.

Best part: I'm getting my own personal piece next time I go. I'm gonna wear that magic Cinnabon like it's my job.

Hot dog.

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