Saturday, August 4, 2012

Real World, Day One

First full day without social media. No Facebooking, no tweeting, no tumblring.

You'd think such abstinence from all things social media would leave me feeling more disconnected. Au contraire, y'all. I'm feeling MORE connected to the world. I deleted the apps from my phone (to avoid robotic reflexes of checking a feed), I enjoyed life today, and I feel downright human.

The only thing I find myself getting concerned about is how much I care whether my friends will go that extra mile to call/text/email to get in touch with me, or if I'm just not worth that extra mile. (Though if they don't want to call me, I get that. I hate talking on the phone, too. Don't you? I mean, there's always that one person that you have to do the "Well, hey, I've gotta run" bit with WAY ahead of time. Cause, I mean, they've got like two hours' worth of additional stuff to tell you. I mean, truly.)


  1. You can always call them....

  2. Would you be open to Skype soon? I got back from Thailand this morning and just went through the blog entries I've missed. <3

    1. Sure! This week is kinda shot as it's David's birthday week, and there shall be festivities aplenty, but maybe sometime next week?
