Sunday, September 23, 2012


I should be miserable because

(a) It's Sunday night,
(b) I'm not even tired yet,
(c) I've got to get up early tomorrow
(d) to go to a job I'm generally unhappy at
(e) and repeat it again for five days before an all-too-temporary reprieve.

While those are all valid reasons for being disgruntled, I know that life is too short to spend it being grouchy about circumstances beyond my control. In fact, I'm happy because

(a) I have a job at all,
(b) I had an amazing day in the mountains with my awesome husband,
(c) I have an awesome husband,
(d) the weather was exceptionally pre-fall,
(e) I get to make gnocchi for dinner tomorrow.

Perspective. I'm gaining it, slowly but surely. There's so much to be thankful for in so many arenas. I'm hoping to re-align the puzzle pieces to go back where they belong to create that full, complete picture.


  1. You and I are gonna make gnocchi together when I come~

    1. Don't you just love how wretchedly, wonderfully starchy it is? I make 'em with olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic!

    2. And you'll have a trough of it, my dearest. A TROUGH, I say.
