Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Instead of moping and letting my perpetually sour mood get to me today, I'm going to turn it upside down with some good old-fashioned gratitude:

I'm thankful for my husband. He's spirited, funny, sincere in his faith, and absolutely brilliant. He coaxes a smile out of me even on my droopiest days and gathers me up in the best hugs and kisses. He's heart-meltingly handsome. He's my dream come true, my Prince Charming. Projectile vomit all you want, but it's true. I'm even happier now than I've ever been, and it's thanks to him.

I'm thankful for my family (both in-laws and my blood-related "out-laws"). They embody what it means to be always able to come home, to come to them with any of my concerns. My parents are beautiful, life-enriching people that I adore (and miss) with all my heart. I have a sister who has grown up so beautifully and has become a best friend, and I'm so proud of her. My parents-in-law have welcomed me into their family with open arms and a loving heart.

I'm thankful for my friends. They take me as I am, love the stuffings out of me in spite of it, and they make my heart happy. I joke with them, gorge myself on junk food with them, adore the same movies and TV shows with them, and spend hours giggling about everything and nothing with them. They're quick to encourage, quick to provide a hug and a willing, ready-to-listen ear, and slow to judge. I adore them. Every single one of them. Especially the ones that have come to be like family. <3

I'm thankful for my faith. Following Christ as an American can come with a few stigmas, most (if not all) I hope I put to rest in the example I set. I'm called to love the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind, and to love my neighbor as myself (Matthew 22:37-39). I'm grateful for Christ's sacrifice and for the gravity of what it means. It's an honor and a privilege to serve God and to find ways to bless others. It makes my heart happy, complete. I know that when I'm fully immersed in God's presence, I'm doing what I'm designed to do. What I was born to do. It feels good.

I'm thankful for my job. Yes, it's not what I went to school to do. It's not even a passion of mine. In fact, I don't even find myself believing in the company very much at all, but it's a job, one that pays rather well, with hours that can't be beat, an understanding and human boss, and a rather fantastic group of co-workers. I'm valued there, and for right now, that's sufficient for me, professionally. It jives quite well with my work-to-live mentality.

I'm thankful for my home. Living in Dunwoody is fantastic -- I love being this close to Buckhead and that much closer to Midtown. Our apartment is small, but a cute sort of small. It's just enough of what we need, and it's downright cozy. It's warm, like a home should be. It overlooks what will eventually become a park, and on misty mornings it looks more akin to an English moor. I can walk to the grocery store (something I did today, as a matter of fact). I love living in Georgia, and I love being an honorary Southern Belle.

I'm thankful for my fur-babies. I'm not a natural mother yet (and won't be for some time), so it's kind of nice to practice parenting on Mia and Vega. Yes, they sleep 23 hours a day, and sometimes they puke on the carpet early in the morning and fight with each other, but I love them. They never resist a cuddle sesh when I'm sitting on my bed with my laptop (Mia's curled up at my feet right now, sleeping, and twitching too, if that wasn't adorable enough), and they always find a way to chat with me in their own, meandering, meow-y language. They make me smile, and I love them.

Guys, I'm blessed.

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