between exercising your right to free speech and supporting your candidate of choice (or, more accurately, bashing the other guy) and bludgeoning us over the head with your political rage fits.
Yes, we know there will be universal, abject misery if the OTHER candidate gets elected. We know we'll be on God's bad side and on the fast track to the apocalypse if he's in office. We know the other guy is one "zeig heil" away from being the next Adolf Hitler. We know that only intelligent/rational/true Americans will vote for your guy.
We know that your opinion matters. We know you've got the right to say whatever you want. And yes, we know that if we don't like what you've got to say, we can filter you out of our feed. We get all of that. But we also know this: your tantrums aren't likely to sway the opinion of your neighbor, especially when both of your hands are filled with the mud you've been slinging.
The Majority of Users on Social Media
PS: We still love you. But shhhhh. Inside voices, please.
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