Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cure for writer's block

As soon as I'm done with this blogging-once-a-day experiment (November 17th, which is less than a month from now, but who's counting, right?), I think I'll take up pen-and-paper journaling again.

And when I do, I'm going to start it off with this little beauty:


  1. I tried pen and paper journaling in South Africa, but I wrote a total of about ten entires in the whole three months. So that never works out for me. But I do have a daily question and answer book I keep up with! It asks a question every single day, and it allows you to answer for five years. I'm on year 2 right now, so I'd say I'm doing pretty darn good. I mean, right?!

    But that book does look really neat. Let me know if you get it/how it is!

    1. I'm always a sucker for the crisp feeling of a new notebook page. If you don't think you'll do paper journaling, trying buying a Moleskine journal. Changed my life, honest engine.

      I will definitely keep you posted! I love getting a daily thought sparker.
