Although I've yet to sit down and watch Whip It, I was intrigued when David offered to take me to a roller derby. Can't beat an eclectic date night of watching minimally-protected girls hip-check one another out of bounds, right?
We ventured toward midtown, where, at the unlikely venue of the Shriners' Yaarab Temple, some highlighter-yellow electric tape marked the makeshift rink. The body checking was abundant, the fans absolutely nutty in appearance and demeanor (were we the only ones that didn't come from Little 5 Points, seriously?), but it was a rockin' good time. Lots of energy, body checking, showmanship. Roller derbies are theatrical experiences, I tell you what.
I daresay we'll want to go again. And, thanks to the schedule magnet that was wedged in our program, we'll always know when to hit up the Dirty South Derby Girls again.
After I saw Whip It, I really wanted to join a roller derby team and Laura made me SWEAR that I'd never do it because I'd, "Break like a toothpick."