Saturday, November 17, 2012

Grand Finale

Well, here we are. Full circle. 365 entries later. Am I older? Technically. Wiser? Meh, perhaps. Have I learned a little from this experience?

I'd say so. Granted, it's only a very little bit, but it's something to take with me as a souvenir of That One Time When Jacquie Blogged Once A Day For A Year. I've come to the following conclusions:

Folks don't care about what I have to say. Now, hear me out on this one. I readily admit that I've kind of done this one to myself. In order for people to care about what I have to say, I have to write things that are, well, worth reading. I didn't exactly hold up my end of that bargain. Sure, I wrote one bit of hard-hitting, buffalo-style, editorial piece on the Chick-fil-A debacle, but other than that? A lot of narcissistic drivel. Bleh. We've become so self-serving with the Internet. It's always about us. What's relevant to me? What purpose does this serve me? Me me me. And don't give me that look; I'm guilty of it too. A side effect of the human condition is looking out for Number One first. Now, if I were to do this whole thing over again, and I had a theme of sorts, this might've worked out a little more differently. Which brings me to my next point:

I'm not much of a writer. I figure that, in order to be a writer, a real, honest-to-goodness, genuine article writer, you have to enjoy doing it even when you don't enjoy doing it. You don't mind trudging to your computer once a day to write a fat lot of nothing because, hey, you're a writer. This is your bread and butter. You hate that computer. Hate it. But write anyway. I love writing when I know I've got something good to say. When I don't? When it's obligatory? It's a chore. It's the worst. Still, I hope to paint pictures with my words one day, yet again, very soon.

I enjoy being a free spirit. Like so many American adults in the rat race, I look at a computer all day at work. When I come home from said rat race and settle down with my piece of cheese, what's the first thing I want to do? Oh, that's right. Not look at a glaring computer screen. Maybe a pen-and-paper journaling gig is more my speed. And certainly not once a day. None of that obligatory mess. Nope, just let me have my hair in the wind and be free as the dang wind blows.

I'm glad I did this. Yes, it was obligatory much of the time, but to say that I actually committed to a sorta-kinda New Year's resolution for a full year is pretty exciting, I'd say. Maybe I've unearthed a few more nuggets of wisdom and truth than I know. It ain't been so bad, really.

Will I come back to post occasionally? Sure. When I've got something valuable to say. Until those valuable things come along, you just sit tight.

I'll be back.


  1. I tried to comment the day this was posted, but it was on my phone and apparently it was being stubborn. ANYWAYS.

    I am so proud of you for completing your resolution! I can tell it was hard and annoying, but by golly you did it. And I, for one, enjoyed reading your entries, even if they were only two sentences long and about nothing in particular. I've always thought you were a great writer! You know how to turn a phrase, that's for sure. If you ever feel like writing a book, please allow me to be your beta ;)

    I will admit, though, I much prefer spending actual time with you than reading your blog posts. <3
