Monday, September 24, 2012


Today is someone's birthday. Someone awesome's birthday.

That someone is a friend of mine that I've known for ages. Years, really. She's quirky in the best way, insightful in the most valuable ways, and there in every way. 

Rachel, you're one of the most genuine, amazing people I know. Your humor is contagious, your spirit infectious. You make gorgeous effortless and yes, even Amy Adams is jellin. I'm so excited about what the rest of your time in South Korea has in store for you, and even more excited when you're back stateside and I can finally give you that long-sought-after hug I've owed you ages ago.

I love you to bits, missy. You'll always be welcome with me (physically or otherwise, but let's be honest, physically is preferred), and you'll always have the Fonzie suite reserved with your name on it.

You deserve a happy birthday, most certainly, but I wish you a happy day-after-your-birthday, too. And a happy day-after-that. And day-after-that. And so on. A happy life. Always.

Happy birthday, my dear friend. Now go have a Will Smith dance party. You've earned it.


And yes, I do hope as you celebrate with your nearest pals tonight with The Princess Bride and wine, that it'll only be the culmination of what I know will be the...

Best. Day. Ever. <3

Love Always,
Mrs. B


  1. Aw girrrrl. Thank you so much. I totally pulled a Will dance move after reading this. <3
