Sunday, August 19, 2012


There's a true sense of catharsis one gets from hammering away at a keyboard to air one's thoughts. That being said, I still kind of hate blogging daily. But I committed to a year of it back in November and, by golly, I'm too far gone to give up now.

You know what's really making me happy though? Looking at Moleskine journals online.

Above: the only journal that's worthy of Heaven itself.

If you haven't had one, you're not really living life to the fullest. Maybe that's a bit of a stretch but see, it's kind of true. Those things will make anyone into a journaling fool. The books will stay flat when you write in them. They've got a handy rubber band that will keep it closed. The books can be lined or full of graph paper.

I mean, just look.

What I'm saying, I guess, is that come November, I might spill my guts out on a paper journal instead. When you're writing on paper, you don't have to run the risk of offending an audience (not that I really had much of one to speak of). You can just spill your guts.

Yes sir, maybe I'll invest in a Moleskine after all this is said and done. I like to write; I love painting pictures with my words and creating a memory for others to read, but I'm not sure if blogging is the proper outlet for all that. Besides, most successful bloggers have a theme (cooking, some sort of fandom, crafting, etc.). Me? I just produce word vomit onto a keyboard.

Until then, I solemnly swear to yammer incessantly on this blog until November. Aren't you just glad?

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