Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Fine, I'll say it: I regret making this a new-year's resolution. This whole blogging-once-a-day business has cramped my style considerably. And my "my style," I mean my uncanny ability to spin a spirited yarn.

That being said, I'll wax prosaic on this:

The funny thing about Benadryl is that it makes me feel like I'm moving through Jell-O. I've had to take it for a few days now to curtail a histamine-ridden reaction that's been plaguing me for the past week, but boy howdy does it render me useless. It doesn't render me as useless as the giant red painkiller pills I had to take after my wisdom teeth extraction (that one had me dancing with the curtains, I kid you not), but I'm pretty ineffective with OTC antihistamines, too, as it would appear.

This, as well as many more reasons, is why I don't do drugs or imbibe in excessive alcohol, gang.

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