Monday, April 23, 2012

You have a library? Indeed. With books!

Finally took care of getting my DeKalb County Library card, which has now opened me up to a whole new world of literary joys.

Above: This afternoon's events, as captured by Disney.

I spent the better part of an hour and a half walking up and down the aisles, craning my neck to read book titles until I got a cramp, occasionally stopping to pick up a volume that either (a) had an interesting-sounding title or (b) had a neat cover design. (Way for me to judge a book by its cover, AM I RIGHT?!)

Ultimately, I decided upon a few old favorites, but I left feeling a little overwhelmed. There were so many books. How does one decide which one to take a chance on? It's not like most books get overexposed by social media the way that movies and TV shows do. Nine times out of ten, we just have to guess.

Anyone have a book recommendation or two? I lean more towards historical fiction (contemporary can seem dated to me) that either includes a scant bit of romantic interludes, supernatural occurrences, or both.


  1. You should get on Goodreads. I always find good books to read on there. <3

  2. I doubt your library will have anything by her, but one of my favorite authors is Maisie Mosco. I love her Almonds & Raisins saga. It starts in 1905-ish, and the last book, the "kids" from the first book are great-grandparents. Other suggestions: Evergreen by Belva Plain; Like Mother, Like Daughter by Marcia Rose. If I think of more, I'll let you know.
